BCM May 2022 Monthly Meeting Recap

BCM May 2022 Monthly Meeting Recap

On 27 May 2022, The Business Council of Mongolia was joined by the UNITED NATIONS and its acting agencies in Mongolia for the May Monthly Meeting. The discussion was held under the theme of “Changing Landscape: Role of Private Sector to Enable Sustainable Development in Mongolia through Strategic Partnerships with the United Nations”. 

The aim of the meeting was to enhance the private sector partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in Mongolia through the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) and Resource Mobilization and Partnership Strategy (RMPS). The meeting included two panel discussions focused on two of the three Strategic Priorities of the UNSDCF that are most relevant for the Private Sector: Human Development and Well-being and Green, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. The details of the meeting can be found from the agenda attached below. You may also find the press release (in Mongolian) of the meeting enclosed below too.


On 20 May 2022, the BCM held KSS + Business Tour at the Bank of Mongolia

On 20 May 2022, the BCM held KSS + Business Tour at the Bank of Mongolia

On 20 May 2022, the BCM held KSS + Business Tour at the Bank of Mongolia (MongolBank). The theme was on “World and Mongolian Economic Outlook and Investment” and was presented by Mr. D. GAN-OCHIR, Chief Economist and Advisor to the Governor at the Bank of Mongolia. The presentation was followed up with tour around the Museum of Bank of Mongolia. The BCM members had the opportunity to get toured around the halls with the State Treasure and Banknotes. We wholeheartedly would like to thank Mr. D. GAN-OCHIR for the wonderful presentation and tour around the museum. Thanks to all attendees who participated in the session!


Working Group meeting on Mining & Extractives.

Working Group meeting on Mining & Extractives.

On 11 May 2022, the BCM held its Working Group meeting on Mining & Extractives. The agenda of the discussion was to provide an overview of the effort to improve the public’s perception on the specific topic.

Special thanks to all attendees and to the chair of the BCM Working Group Mining and Extractives, Mr. Jon LYONS, BCM Board Director, VP Projects of the Erdene Resource Development Corp. for moderating the discussion. We would like to send our thanks to Mr. D. JARGALSAIKHAN, BCM Board Director, Chair of the YRSF for the wonderful presentation and for providing with a space for the meeting.

The PPT used during the meeting is uploaded on the following link:

Олборлох аж үйлдвэр төслийн танилцуулга 

WG Mining&Extractives-Feedback 

The BCM Working Group meeting for Climate Change and Sustainable Finance was held on 27 April 2022

The BCM Working Group meeting for Climate Change and Sustainable Finance was held on 27 April 2022

The BCM Working Group meeting for Climate Change and Sustainable Finance was held on 27 April 2022. The aim was to introduce the objectives and functions of the Working Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Finance of the BCM and listen to members' views; and to discuss and comment on the Sustainable Development Financing Taxonomy policy document that is currently being developed by the ТоС Холбоо / MSFA
We would like to thank all attendees and special thanks to Mr. E. Orchlon, Climate Change and Sustainable Finance Working Group Chair, Vice-Chair of the BCM; Mr. M. BOLDOO, Member of the BoD of the BCM; and Ms. E. NOMINDARI, CEO, Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association (ТОС) respectively. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Randolph KOPPA, Member of the BoD of the BCM, Executive Vice Chair, TDB for providing us with a space for the meeting at the Худалдаа хөгжлийн банк / Trade and Development Bank central office.
BCM April 2022 Monthly Meeting Recap

BCM April 2022 Monthly Meeting Recap


The Business Council of Mongolia (BCM), in cooperation with the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) and the National Road Transportation Association of Mongolia, held a Monthly Meeting on 27 April 2022 on the topic of “Pressing problems and their resolution: Mongolian Trade and Transportation Logistics.” The discussion aimed to exchange perspectives on overcoming today’s challenges faced in the areas of transportation, logistics, and trade. The Monthly Meeting also covered insights from Executive Director of the ITTLLDC, Mr. D.Dulguun. A presentation by Dulguun was followed by a panel discussion which he moderated; on the panel were:

  • Ms. D.Gerelnyam, Head of the Policy and Planning Department of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia
  • Dr. A.Munkhbold, President of the Mongolian Logistics Association
  • Mr. J.Ayush, Transport Manager, National Road Transport Association of Mongolia
  • Ms. D.Unurjargal, Regional Cooperation Officer, Asian Development Bank
  • Mr. E.Yesukhei, Director of the Investment Research Center – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia

Themes throughout the discussion included foreign trade ramifications of the Russo-Ukrainian War on Mongolia, the recent Covid wave in China, and improving the handling capacity of border ports.
Mr. N.Batnasan, Professor at the National University of Mongolia’s Business School, expanded further on this with his presentation on the current issues Mongolia faces regarding international trade.
A second roundtable was held, with BCM Vice Chair Mr. E.Orchlon serving as moderator for a panel featuring:
  • Mr. N.Batnasan, Professor of Business School, National University of Mongolia
  • Mr. O.Bolorbat, CEO of Trade and Distribution Company TBI (Tavan Bogd International)
  • Mr. Ch.Davaabayar, SME Association of Mongolia
  • Mr. A.Enkhjin, Director General, Reserves Management and Financial Markets Department, Bank of Mongolia
  • Mr. G.Ulziisaikhan, Head of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia
The audience heard diverse opinions from the representatives of business, government, and academia. Sentiments ranged from Mongolia fairing relatively well given the state of the world to frustration about corruption and ineptitude.
An overarching theme of the meeting would be that while Mongolia’s domestic situation is significantly dependent on the political and social situations of its two neighbors, there is much room for improvement in enhancing the legalities, physical infrastructure, and policies that pertain to logistics and international trade.

Photos from the meeting can be found from the BCM's Facebook page.

More information can be found from the Editor's notes and presentations linked below.
  1. "Current issues of Mongolia's logistics sector as a landlocked nation and opportunities for improvement" (Mongolian) - By D.Dulguun, Executive Director of the ITTLLDC
  2. "Mongolia's transport sector" (Mongolian) by D.Gerelnyam, Head of the Policy and Planning Department of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development
  3. "Issues surrounding Mongolian international trade" (Mongolian) - By N.Batnasan, Professor at the Business School of the National University of Mongolia

You may find the media coverages down below:

WGM Regulatory & Tax

WGM Regulatory & Tax

On 22 April 2022, the Regulatory & Tax Working Group Initial Meeting was held at the Rio Tinto Office at Shangri-La in the presence of around 30 representatives of BCM member organization. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and identify issues in legal and tax areas and to priorities key issues for the action plan of 2022-2023 Working Group.

Special thanks to our Chair of the Regulatory & Tax Working Group, Mr. B. BATTUSHIG, Board of Director of the BCM, Partner at DB & GTS LLP; Vice-Chair of the Working Group, Ms. Kh. AMARJARGAL, Board of Director of the BCM, Country Director-Mongolia at Rio Tinto; and Mr. KHISHIGNEMEKH, Associate Partner at International Tax and Transaction Services of EY Mongolia for chairing the meeting. 








On 21 April, the Business Council of Mongolia (BCM) held a Knowledge Sharing Session (KSS) on “Developing a Reference Model for the Extractive Industry of Mongolia” at the office of the Young Researcher Supporting Foundation (YRSF) located at the Shangri-La.

The purpose of the KSS was to discuss the study identifying the basic features of the standard model of the extractive industrial system of Mongolia and visualize it through a system model. The research aims to find solutions to issues caused by inconsistency of relevant laws and regulations governing the mining sector. In brief, while the mining sector is an essential part to the economic development of Mongolia, the unstable and biased political agendas and inconsistent law and regulations in the country are creating a non-friendly and unprosperous business environment for the people in the mining sector and hampering further economic and mining prospects in Mongolia.

We would like to thank all attendees and presenters for coming to the KSS! Special thanks to Mr. D. JARGALSAIKHAN, the Chair of the YRSF, for the great presentation and for providing a space for the KSS.  We would like to thank the speakers Ms. L. DOLGOR, senior researcher at the YRSF, and Mr. B. Bayartsengel, the CEO of TUS Solutions LLC for presenting.

The agenda of the session and PPTs presented during the meeting can be found down below.

Судалгааны арга аргачлал 

Залуу судлаачдийн клуб Байгууллагын танилцуулга 

Олборлох аж үйлдвэр төслийн танилцуулга 





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Orgil Stadium 49-4, Khan Uul District,
1st Khoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 17010

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