International New Energy Summit 2021

The Business Council of Mongolia is co-organizing the International New Energy Summit 2021 on 29-30 September 2021. International New Energy Summit (INES) aims to bring significant contribution to expand political, economic and other multilateral cooperation in Mongolia's initiative to reduce the negative impacts of energy sector on climate change through establishing Northeast Asian Super Grid together with Сэргээгдэх эрчим хүч үйлдвэрлэгчдийн холбоо - MRIA , GGGI Mongolia , UK in Mongolia - British Embassy Ulaanbaatar, World Energy Council Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Climate Change Research and Cooperation Centre, Mongolian green Hydrogen Association, Mongolian Energy Club.
The Summit will host over 600 high-level participants including representatives of parties to the Northeast Asian Super Grid as well as delegates of governments, business entities and international organizations from various countries.