
BCM KSS with G. Tuvdendorj, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Development

Apr 5, 2024

On 4 April 2024, the Business Council of Mongolia hosted a Knowledge Sharing Session on the Public-Private Partnership Law. Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Development, G. Tuvdendorj, led the session aimed at providing BCM members with a detailed understanding of the law and its implementation. The Public-Private Partnership Law was approved by Parliament on 9 December 2023, and took effect on 1 January 2024. The law was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development, with Deputy Minister G. Tuvdendorj overseeing its implementation.

This law emphasized that the government would support and carry out infrastructure projects without competing with the private sector. Involving the private sector in public services had several benefits, including encouraging competition, effectively managing assets, reducing long-term budget pressures, and promoting economic growth led by the private sector.

We would like to express our gratitude to G. Tuvdendorj, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Development, for the excellent and insightful presentation, D. Jargalsaikhan, Chairman of Gund Investment LLC and Board Member of the BCM, for moderating the session, and thank all attendees for their active participation.




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