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Working Groups

Mining and Natural Resources

Purpose and Objective

A dedicated working group focused on advancing responsible mining in Mongolia must tackle several critical barriers. First, addressing the lack of transparency in licensing and regulatory frameworks is essential to reduce uncertainty and attract both domestic and foreign investment. Increasing public and stakeholder awareness about the mining industry will help foster understanding and support for sustainable practices. Furthermore, the group must confront significant challenges related to environmental sustainability, as effective practices to minimize ecological impact are often lacking. Promoting partnership platforms, including PPPs, can create a competitive environment while enhancing local community engagement through proper consultation and benefit-sharing. Lastly, the volatility of global commodity prices poses financial risks that can destabilize mining operations and investment plans. By addressing these unique challenges, the working group can promote responsible and sustainable growth in Mongolia's mining and natural resources sector.

Responsibilities of the Working Group

The working group aims to identify mining and natural resource related issues affecting BCM membership and develop strategies that benefit both members and the broader business community. Key outputs will include action plans and position papers prepared in collaboration with the BCM Executive Committee. 

The group will provide input to the BCM Executive Committee and secretariat to support:

  • Formal advocacy
  • Political engagement
  • Partnership development
  • Public education and media outreach


Working Groups

To deliver value for the public, the members, and the employees by advocating economic freedom and property rights provided by the Constitution of Mongolia and protecting, and promoting common lawful interests of members for a fair, stable, and internationally competitive business environment.