Erel Group

Established in 1989, Erel Group is a Mongolia focused private entity, comprising 10 subsidiaries in industries ranging from construction, construction materials manufacturing, realty, road construction, geological exploration, mining, energy, banking to education. Erel Group has proven itself as a leading company in the construction and construction material manufacturing industries. The Company began to operate in the construction sector, expanding from its initial sector of geological exploration and mining in 1994.


construction materials manufacturing, construction development, real estate development, road construction, geological exploration, mining, energy, banking to education


  • Erel Building, Chinggis Avenue, Uildver 1-2 area, Ulaanbaatar, Khan-Uul district, 4th khoroo, Ulaanbaatar 17061, MN


  • Telephone: +976 11343563
  • E-Mail: Энэ и-мэйл хаягийг спамботоос хамгаалсан. Та үзэхийн тулд JavaScript идэвхжүүлэх хэрэгтэй.