BCM Knowledge Sharing Session 14 October 2022

BCM Knowledge Sharing Session 14 October 2022

ESG: A more rigorous approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues is a hot-button topic for Boards of Directors, CEO’s and overall management team of organizations especially for those publicly traded companies and those planning an IPO. ESG is highly relevant because of the increasing weight institutional investors are giving to ESG issues and related metrics when making investment decisions. How a company addresses ESG is important to fiduciaries and shareholders who want their investments to reflect their values and who are taking a disciplined approach to ESG investing.
Mongolian regulators are placing increased interest in sustainability these days, therefore we are organizing a market awareness session in ESG.
• What is going on the European Market?
• What is going on globally?
• ESG related regulations globally
• ISSB - International Sustainability Standard Board
The agenda of the session and PPTs presented during the meeting can be found down below.  
On 20 May 2022, the BCM held KSS + Business Tour at the Bank of Mongolia

On 20 May 2022, the BCM held KSS + Business Tour at the Bank of Mongolia

On 20 May 2022, the BCM held KSS + Business Tour at the Bank of Mongolia (MongolBank). The theme was on “World and Mongolian Economic Outlook and Investment” and was presented by Mr. D. GAN-OCHIR, Chief Economist and Advisor to the Governor at the Bank of Mongolia. The presentation was followed up with tour around the Museum of Bank of Mongolia. The BCM members had the opportunity to get toured around the halls with the State Treasure and Banknotes. We wholeheartedly would like to thank Mr. D. GAN-OCHIR for the wonderful presentation and tour around the museum. Thanks to all attendees who participated in the session!


The BCM Working Group meeting for Climate Change and Sustainable Finance was held on 27 April 2022

The BCM Working Group meeting for Climate Change and Sustainable Finance was held on 27 April 2022

The BCM Working Group meeting for Climate Change and Sustainable Finance was held on 27 April 2022. The aim was to introduce the objectives and functions of the Working Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Finance of the BCM and listen to members' views; and to discuss and comment on the Sustainable Development Financing Taxonomy policy document that is currently being developed by the ТоС Холбоо / MSFA
We would like to thank all attendees and special thanks to Mr. E. Orchlon, Climate Change and Sustainable Finance Working Group Chair, Vice-Chair of the BCM; Mr. M. BOLDOO, Member of the BoD of the BCM; and Ms. E. NOMINDARI, CEO, Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association (ТОС) respectively. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Randolph KOPPA, Member of the BoD of the BCM, Executive Vice Chair, TDB for providing us with a space for the meeting at the Худалдаа хөгжлийн банк / Trade and Development Bank central office.


Mahatma Gandhi St,
Orgil Stadium 49-4, Khan Uul District,
1st Khoroo, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 17010

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