BCM’s Working group Chair and vice-chairs:

Chair: Dugar JARGALSAIKHAN, Chairman of Gund Investment LLC
Vice-Chair: Dashdavaa HULAN, Co-Founder & Executive Vice President, TavanBogd Group
Vice-Chair: Deirde LINGENFELDER, CEO, Oyu Tolgoi LLC

BCM’s Vision:

To deliver value for the public, the members, and the employees by advocating economic freedom and property rights provided by the Constitution of Mongolia and protecting and promoting the common lawful interests of members for a fair, stable, and internationally competitive business environment.

BCM’s Mission for realizing the Vision:

• To equip members with an information platform that provides up-to-date policy and business research, training and knowledge sharing.
• To develop and promote economic and sector policy recommendations through engagement with the BCM members, the government and the wider public.
• To provide networking and other services that support doing business in Mongolia.


Facilitate in building a society that encourages and benefits from economic freedom.

Overview of primary objective and responsibilities

The Economic Freedom and Competitiveness Working Group (WG) primary objective is to develop and promote model of society that encourages EF&C and  model of economic entity that contributes to the society.

The WG chairman will work closely with the BCM Chairman and Vice-Chairman to ensure WG outputs will be effectively coordinated / integrated into the BCM work program. The WG will provide inputs to the BCM Exco and BCM secretariat to assist with:

  • research outcomes / models, metrics, articulations, templates/
  • recommendations for improvement of EF&C
  • recommendations for public education and media engagement on EF&C

The WG Chairman is specifically responsible for:

  1. Highlighting “target areas” to improve sector competitiveness and attractiveness to investors.
  2. Prepare an annual “work program”.
  3. Execute “work program” tasks + present recommendations to BoD for “advocacy action”.
  4. Respond to critical but unplanned developments impacting sector.
  5. Support Exco advocacy actions.
  6. Grow WG credibility/professionalism and participation by members
Economic Freedom
Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please. In economically free societies, governments allow labor, capital, and goods to move freely, and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty beyond the extent necessary to protect and maintain liberty itself.
Economic freedom brings greater prosperity. The Index of Economic Freedom documents the positive relationship between economic freedom and a variety of positive social and economic goals. The ideals of economic freedom are strongly associated with healthier societies, cleaner environments, greater per capita wealth, human development, democracy, and poverty elimination.
The Index of Economic Freedom created by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal to measures economic freedom based on 12 quantitative and qualitative factors, grouped into four broad categories of economic freedom.
In Mongolia economic freedom right by its citizens is guaranteed by Article 16…. and Article 16…. of the Constitution of Mongolia and the State has an obligation to protect these rights and restore it in case of rights violation. Mongolia has not developed yet commonly shared metrics to measure implementation/exercises of the economic freedom and there is a need to establish such metrics. Old paradigms and concepts inherited from centrally planned economy are still in strong dominance in thinking and there is an imminent need for replacement. 
Competitiveness demonstrates the country's ability to support economic freedom in comparison with other comparable jurisdictions. Number of metrics have been developed by international agencies and research bodies like the Global Competitiveness Index, reported by the World Economic Forum, assesses the ability of countries to provide high levels of prosperity. Mongolia has not yet developed its own official articulation on its competitiveness and metrics for measuring.

The WG will focus on:

  1. developing a model of society that encourages EF&C;
  2. developing a model of business that contributes to the society;
  3. promoting these models to facilitate building a society that encourages and benefits from economic freedom.
  4. identifying the most suitable metrics to measure Mongolia competitiveness

The research outputs will include:

  • model of society
  • model of business
  • formal advocacy

The WG will promote its research outputs by means of:

  • partnership engagement
  • public education and media engagement

WG will employ scientifically proven methods and methodologies based on facts and good quality data for its research.

It is important to “systematically build” the BCM library of critical documents as part of the actions of the WG’s and advocacy team. This should involve:

  • Establishment of a WG area for documents “in progress”
  • A formal library area for
    • BCM finished documents
      • Working group specific
        • Research reports
      • Broader BCM
        • Advocacy documents
        • other
      • Member and partner documents of significance
    • Linkages to key documents and critical websites of our partners and key players
      • Mongolian economy and related policies
      • Global economy and related policies